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Properties :-

  • It is sweet, cold, tasty.

Benefits :-

  • It can removes poison, increase mothers milk & hunger.
  • It contain vitamin A, calcium, iron & other important substances.
  • It can cure fever, white discharge, piles, leprosy, burning sensation, impurity of blood, tridosh, utricaria, cough, leucoderma, itching of skin,dysentery.
  • Iin bleeding from any part of the body intake juice of it with sugar.
  • In Eczema crush its root & leaves & apply on it.
  • In white discharge crush its root & add honey or rice water in 1:4 proportion that is 1 part of amaranth root then 4 part of honey or rice water.
  • To keep pregnancy, crush its roots with rice water & intake.
  • In leprosy intake its juice with honey.
  • In piles & stone intake vegetable of amaranth.

Properties :-

  • Dill is acrid, tasty, bitter, hot, stimulative, light, sweet, easily digestive, grahi

Benefits :-

  • Increase mother milk.
  • It can cure gout, cough, fever, impurity of blood, problem related to womb, white discharge, stomach pain.
  • Its graiep water can be used for child disease like digestion problem.
  • It consider good for pregnant lady.

Properties :-

  • It is acrid, sour, hot, tasty & cold in nature.

Benefits :-

  • It can cause dysentery, cough.
  • In burning sensation of urine intake its juice with sugar.
  • It can cure gastric problem, stomach problem, skin diseases, fever, mouth ulcer, asthma, diabetes, eye diseases, swelling of the body.

Properties :-

  • It is acrid, bitter, hot, dry, stimulative.
  • It can cause pitt.

Benefits :-

  • It can cure gastric problem, dysentery, anorexia, piles, worms, vomit, cough, fever, increase digestive power, increase mothers milk, wrist pain, arthritis.
  • It is consider best for people suffering from diabetes.
  • By applying paste of its leaves on wound, it will cure wound.
  • Intake its ladoo in weakness & white discharge.
  • Fenu greek & dill roast little bit on pen then crush it & intake this churn.
  • It can cure gastric problem, tympontities, belching.

Properties :-

  • It is acrid, cold in nature, sweet, dry, tasty, laxative, beneficial for good health.

Benefits :-

  • Increase memory, increase eye sight.
  • It can contain iron & vitamins.
  • Its bhaji can be used in swelling of wind pipe & lungs, fever, intestine.
  • It can cure leprosy, cough, asthma, worms, tridosh, poison's effect.
  • Its beans used in stone.

Properties :-

  • It is tasty, easily digestive, cold in nature.
  • It has good smell.

Benefits :-

  • It is good for eye.
  • It can cure pitt.

Properties :-

  • It is tasty, sweet, hot, laxative, stimulative, easily digestive & tender.

Benefits :-

  • It can cure gastric problem, indigestion tympontities, stomach pain, mouth odor and worms.
  • Intake decoction of sugar & mint it can cure indigestion.
  • it is good for heart, it can increase hunger.
  • Take piece of cloth dip into mixture of camphor, cloves & mint oil & put over tooth gum it can cure pain of tooth gum.
  • In asthma, cold, cough intake decoction of black pepper, dry ginger, basil & mint.
  • It is useful in loss of appetite, cholera, dysentary, indigestion, anorexia, headache.
  • In constipation intake decoction of mint.
  • In case of an insect gone to the ears or nose then pure drops of mint into nose or ears, insect will come out.
  • In fever intake decoction or juice of mint & ginger.
  • In juice of mint mix rock salt & then intake it can cure stomach pain.
  • Mint Tea: Mint, ginger, basil, cinnamon bark, powder of black pepper, cloves, Indian valerian make tea out of this mixture & intake it can cure cold & headache.
  • In worms intake 1 tsp juice of mint with honey.
  • In itching, Ringworm, Scabies applies its juice.

Properties :-

  • It is of many kinds & amount of nutrition vary from its types.
  • With little amount of water its leaves can be grown.
  • It contain little bit of carbohydrates, protein & fat.
  • it contain vitamin A & potassium in ample quantity, it also contain vitamin C, calcium, iron, copper.
  • It is believed that green lettuce contains more vitamin A then any one.
  • The vain & middle parts of the leaf contain vitamins & minerals.

Benefits :-

  • Intake thing which having vitamin A & C in ample quantity by this the fear of lung cancer & cancer of intestine can be lower down.

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